Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Day Before

Pictured: The Hyalite Resevoir, my usual destination on training rides. Mid June. Snow, Sleet, Rain, Wind, Storms and even some Ice on the water.

I procrastinated again. I convinced myself that one more day was needed to re-check the gear, to re-do my ipod playlists, to pick my toes, to, well, to do whatever.

But tomorrow is it--up before dawn, on the bike, and on the road.

The weather has been perfect. Prior to this sunny spell, Montana experienced an inordinate amount of rain fall (nothing compared to what hit the midwest). It rained everyday, sometimes all day. I biked most of those days--in fact, I came to believe that it was me triggering the rain. I would ride up to the Hyalite Resevoir under sunny skies and just as I arrived and settled on a picnic table for a rest and candy bar the sky would darken, thunder would boom, and the rain would start. In a cavalier (read: stupid) manner, I would continue to sit on the table, ignoring the storm, believing myself immune to the ravages of nature. Then lightening would strike and instantly convert me into a coward-on-two-wheels.

But the weather forecast looks good for another week as far south and east as I plan to go within that time. And forecasts are never wrong.

I should swap out my rear inner tube. It has two punctures (now patched). But again, the cavalier side of me (this time read: procrastinator) prevailed. I imagine the inevitable repair of the inevitable flat alongside the inevitably busy road will be easier than any preventative maintenance adminstered inside the comfort of my own home.


The longer I linger here at home, the more things I tend to stuff into my saddlebags. Tomorrow is a must go day. It's like having no self-control at an all-you-can-eat buffet. The longer you linger; the greater your regrets.
A few random thoughts:

1. I packed way too many shirts. When I hike, I have two tee-shirts. One for hiking, one for camp. Now I have five. Why, I do not know. Patrick and Kristen, please expect a rather heavy package to arrive at your house containing many unnecessary items.

2. I bought ear plugs. A bike trip won't have the blessed solitude of a hike--it's harder to find a secluded patch of ground upon which to camp.

3. I don't miss the PCT. I am glad I left it. But I also hope to someday forget that fact, and to see parts of that trail off-season, and, if I do it as a thru-hiker, I will do so in disguise (I'll carry sheets of fabric softener and rub them all over me before any other thru-hikers see me!)

4. I need to get cycling. I dislike idleness. If I am not working, I should be doing something semi-productive. It's the Protestant work-ethic taught to me by my parents (or was it...inflicted?).

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